NEFT Vodka Black Barrel 750ml


NEFT Vodka is meticulously distilled using just two simple ingredients - mountain spring water from the Austrian Alps and ancient non-GMO rye grains - NEFT vodka is made to retain the distinctive flavour profile of our superior ingredients, not strip them out.

The result is a vodka that is pure taste. With clean aromas and flavours of linen, stone, white flowers, and cream of wheat with a satiny, soft, dry, light body and a graceful, medium-length finish with elements of white pepper. A silky, smooth and mild vodka that will shine in vodka cocktails like martinis and neat pours. A rich viscosity contributes to an elegant mouthfeel. This is truly sip-worthy vodka.

Recognised by the industry's best, our award-winning spirit continues to be the pour of the town. Awarded 98 Points from The Tasting Panel and Best Vodka at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

The unique, unbreakable Black Barrel 750ml packaging keeps the vodka chilled, is easily recycled and has a lower carbon footprint than glass. Available in Black Barrel, White Barrel, or Community Pride barrel.

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NEFT Vodka is meticulously distilled using just two simple ingredients - mountain spring water from the Austrian Alps and ancient non-GMO rye grains - NEFT vodka is made to retain the distinctive flavour profile of our superior ingredients, not strip them out.

The result is a vodka that is pure taste. With clean aromas and flavours of linen, stone, white flowers, and cream of wheat with a satiny, soft, dry, light body and a graceful, medium-length finish with elements of white pepper. A silky, smooth and mild vodka that will shine in vodka cocktails like martinis and neat pours. A rich viscosity contributes to an elegant mouthfeel. This is truly sip-worthy vodka.

Recognised by the industry's best, our award-winning spirit continues to be the pour of the town. Awarded 98 Points from The Tasting Panel and Best Vodka at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

The unique, unbreakable Black Barrel 750ml packaging keeps the vodka chilled, is easily recycled and has a lower carbon footprint than glass. Available in Black Barrel, White Barrel, or Community Pride barrel.

NEFT Vodka is meticulously distilled using just two simple ingredients - mountain spring water from the Austrian Alps and ancient non-GMO rye grains - NEFT vodka is made to retain the distinctive flavour profile of our superior ingredients, not strip them out.

The result is a vodka that is pure taste. With clean aromas and flavours of linen, stone, white flowers, and cream of wheat with a satiny, soft, dry, light body and a graceful, medium-length finish with elements of white pepper. A silky, smooth and mild vodka that will shine in vodka cocktails like martinis and neat pours. A rich viscosity contributes to an elegant mouthfeel. This is truly sip-worthy vodka.

Recognised by the industry's best, our award-winning spirit continues to be the pour of the town. Awarded 98 Points from The Tasting Panel and Best Vodka at the 2018 San Francisco World Spirits Competition.

The unique, unbreakable Black Barrel 750ml packaging keeps the vodka chilled, is easily recycled and has a lower carbon footprint than glass. Available in Black Barrel, White Barrel, or Community Pride barrel.

NEFT Vodka White & Black Barrel 750ml
NEFT Vodka White Barrel 750ml